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The Very Robust Crassula ovata aka Jade Plant

The Very Robust Crassula ovata commonly known as the Jade plant, is a succulent renowned for its easy cultivation, storing water adeptly in its leaves, stems, and roots. This makes it an extremely resilient plant that has gained popularity worldwide as an indoor ornamental and finds a place as a landscape feature in numerous Australian regions.

The gallery above is a specimen that was in the ground between10 to 15 years. As can be seen in the 1st image, it’s had a mutant, sadly not a ninja, just a hobbit! The 4th image is the sport at around 3 years old. It doesn’t it look as good as other hobbits/Gollum that I’ve purchased, and it’s a slow grower but think I should propagate it and give it some love.

Crassula ovata (aka Money plant)

It makes an ideal houseplant like many others from the genus, it’s a very robust Crassula is ovata it needs some applause (UGH). It doesn’t mind when it’s confined to its pot, demonstrating robust health even when root-bound, the only issue is: It can get top-heavy and topple over. Its relatively slow-growing nature makes it well-suited for indoor environments, particularly thriving in the warm and dry conditions typically found in most households. Impressively, it exhibits a remarkable tolerance for neglect, making it a resilient choice for both novice and experienced plant enthusiasts.

In its habitat of Southern Africa, C. ovata assumes the form of a small, rounded evergreen shrub. The plant develops numerous short, thick, succulent branches emerging from a gnarled-looking trunk, imparting a sense of great age even in young specimens. This unique feature enhances its aesthetic appeal, especially when the trunk is prominently visible, placed at the top of retaining walls or in large pots, creates a visually striking display with the trunks being closer to eye level. Whether indoors or outdoors, Crassula ovata remains a testament to nature’s artistry, captivating with its distinctive form and adaptability, especially when in flower at the end of winter when few others are in flower.

Blooming Time: Jade plants usually bloom in late winter to early spring. However, the timing can vary based on factors such as age, health, and environmental conditions.

Conditions for Blooming:

  • Maturity: Jade plants often need to reach a certain level of maturity before they start producing flowers. This can take several years but I honestly can’t remember how long. If you know, could you leave a comment?
  • Sunlight: Adequate sunlight is crucial for flowering. Placing it in a location with bright, indirect sunlight to full sun will encourage blooming but if indirect it needs to be as bright as possible not sure if it would bloom indoors, and shade in winter means a less than spectacular display.

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